Monday, March 2, 2009

The echo to a yearning....

I have not written here for quite some time ... Maybe because when life is following its own course and you are drifting along there seems to be no turbulence and one is lulled into a feeling of peace. But there comes a time, when a sudden current crosses ones path and jolts one out of this somnolescence. And it sometimes surprises you because it just creeps upon you without a warning...Its like hearing voices all around you and you just get adapted to the din until you realise that there is one whose whisper you can hear above all the other clamour and then before you can stop it the words become an echo of the yearnings of your soul...A "yes" to all the unasked questions of life, which were never voiced because you thought they would never be answered. I have this heartfelt desire that my faith is not transient and shall withstand the test of time but even if it doesnt , for having shown me that it is possible, i want to simply say "Thank you".....

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