Monday, February 21, 2011

one last wish...

Before the lights go out
And the world stops hearing my music

One last song,
Lets sing the blues away….

Before the day dims out
And people stop believing in magic,
One last picture,
Lets paint the pain away…..
Before the night fades out
And the crowds stop swaying to rhythm
One last waltz,
Lets dance the loneliness away….
Before the wind blows out
And the storm settles to emptiness
One last swirl,
Lets sweep the heartache away…..
Before the clouds melt out
And the sky returns to its placid hue
One last flight,
Lets soar to our dreams, the eagles way…
Before time runs out
And there is nothing left of today
One last moment,
Lets wipe the bitterness away…
or let the lights be turned out,
Let the crowds melt away,
Lets put up our easel
And create some magic,
Dance to the rhythm of the storm,
Soar to paint pictures in the clouds,
Let time be a bystander
All I have is today….

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A mirage unseen..

Destiny etches our lives
and draws its pictures
we are but portraits
placed in its layout...
Strange are the ways of fate;
when all is seen and lived
when the path to be trod is decided
then it unravels one untravelled..
when all hopes and desires
are subjugated to rote
then, there flashes a dream
a vision unreachable...
its slave I choose not to be
to clear my eyes
and walk on unwavering
on footsteps traced ere...
A mirage have I seen
a chimera in my mind
but evanescent are these
and reality is to be...
In that bewitching hour
I saw the sun and moon meet
but forever will they be apart
and that is how it has been...
Not the progeny of our creators,
we are souls that emerge
out of the nothingness of being
and yet still live, by the writ...
Tailored thoughts, tutored emotions,
rites to be performed
the chore of breathing;
our act of living...